
Cara Remai has been dancing with Kristy’s Dance Fusion since age 7, taking classes in tap, jazz, ballet, musical theatre, hip hop, lyrical and contemporary. Throughout her competitive dance career, she completed many ADAPT tap and jazz exams, as well as RAD ballet exams, receiving high standings. One of Cara’s favourite dance memories was dancing in the Dance the World parade in Disney World in 2012, and she was fortunate enough to help train a group of KDF dancers for the same parade in Disneyland in 2016 and 2023.

Cara has been teaching at Kristy’s Dance Fusion since 2015, and started her ADAPT teacher training in 2021. She holds ADAPT certifications in Tap & Jazz, as well as Module 1 certification in Alixa Flexibility. Cara holds degrees in Engineering Physics and Computer Science, and is pursuing her PhD in Physics at the University of Saskatchewan. She loves teaching dancers of all ages, and is excited to share her passion and knowledge with her students!